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Twitch turbo

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“For people in Europe, besides UK and Germany who have Amazon, I bet most of us only pay for Prime Video for Twitch Prime so it doesn’t make sense for us here. “Prime is the only reason I don’t use adblock on Twitch,” another streamer based in Europe, Anyi, tweeted.


“Actually as someone not profiting from anything else on Amazon Prime due to the country I live in, there is no purpose in continuing Amazon Prime when the only real purpose I had from it was the ad free viewing on Twitch,” streamer Aenoa, who lives in Switzerland, tweeted. Being able to toss a subscription to a streamer, which came built into the original subscription price, was an added benefit. and Germany, use Twitch Prime for ad-free viewing. Most countries in Europe, with the exception of the U.K. Porter isn’t the only streamer who feels this way. I feel like the extra no-ads and free sub really drove the bargain home.” “A lot of conversations on Twitter are all circulating about just only using Prime to get game items and then immediately canceling till they see something worth getting. “As of right now the Twitch Prime subs have been constant but I feel like a lot of them are simply going to vanish since a lot of Japanese use other websites for shopping aka Rakuten, Kakaku and Yahoo Auction,” Porter says. Losing subscribers - many of who subscribe to channels through Twitch Prime - is a top concern for Porter and other vocal streamers around the world.

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Earlier this week, Twitch announced that its Prime subscription service would no longer offer ad-free viewing. Now, Porter, along with many of his favorite streamers and personal friends in Japan, worry that changes to Twitch Prime will have an irreparable effect on their steaming livelihood. That was only nine months ago, but Porter tells Polygon that the service has had an unquestionable impact on his stream. If you play on PlayStation 4 or Xbox One, you will need to link your PlayStation Network/Xbox Live account to your Gaijin account.Chad Porter, better known as “ Chyadosensei,” is a prominent streamer who has reaped the benefits of Twitch Prime since it came to Japan in December 2017. There are PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of War Thunder rewards. What platforms are these rewards available for? In War Thunder you can find rewards in your inventory. If you get a reward, you will see the message telling that on the Twitch page with the stream, in the upper right corner. How can I find out if I have got a reward? Watch War Thunder streams with the “Drops enabled!” mark. What streams do I need to watch to have a chance of getting the rewards?

  • Enter the login details for the Gaijin account you use to play War Thunder on this page, then click on the “Link” button.
  • Register or enter your Twitch account login details on the website.
  • twitch turbo

    You need to link your Gaijin and Twitch accounts: You can get: the “First Drop” decal, the “Angry Bull” decal, the “Secret Chest” decorator, the “180!” decorator and the Strv m/39 with unique camouflage.Īwesome! What do I need to do to have a chance of getting these rewards? Yes! The longer you watch a War Thunder stream, the higher your chances of getting a reward. They are rewards that viewers get in games, when they watch streams of these games on Twitch.

    Twitch turbo